Connecting in 2012

The start of a new year is full of promise and hope.  We all wonder what is ahead, making new resolutions along the way.  We fear change and yet we crave it.  I think of change as a dance that lets us take a step forward and two backward, then suddenly we leap forward and we come out new and better. When we conquer a change we desired, we are empowered to soar beyond what we thought possible. Occasionally, we will fall upon a failure–perhaps we had wanted a change that was not just right for us, perhaps we should have taken smaller steps.  It matters not–we do not stay unchanged long and failure is only a station on the path to success.
So as I contemplate the new year, I ask myself what change do I desire? What skills do I want to acquire? What do I want to discard? What do I want to master?
As I ponder my own questions,  the word connection rings in my ears.  That is what I most aspire to in 2012—connection to my authentic self, connection to others, connections to the world. I remind myself that most of us are just like drops of water on this planet.  Little, small things with no permanence. We are all interconnected to each other–we can make a difference as we flow through the universe!  So connect to your friends, make new ones, reach out to some of those from your past.  Most of all, look inside yourself and connect with what makes you a unique droplet in the history of humanity.
We may not all have books written about us, but our life is still worth living fully and authentically!

Life is Amazing! Live well.

Anna Grassini